About Me

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Carmen is a wife, mother of three children, avid coupon shopper, ordained Evangelist and successful real estate broker who was called into the ministry in 2000. Since that time, Carmen has spoken God's Word to men, women and children all over the world. Passionate about her calling she believes in empowering God's people and pushing them to be the "Champions" that God has ordained them to be, she speaks the word of God over their lives so that they can embrace and live the "abundant life."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Back to School Deals at K-Mart & Staples

Super Doubles at K-Mart until July 30th......you must use your K-Mart rewards card and they will double your coupons up to .99 (Check your local store for restrictions & exclusions)

Don't miss Staples penny sale

In order to get the highlighters, pencils and index cards for a penny you must make a $5 purchase.  So here's what you do buy the Staples multipurpose paper and get an easy rebate offer for $5.49, then grab your 2 packs a piece of the highlighters, pencils and index cards.  (Limit restrictions not applicable to educators) The easy rebate for the paper is a limit of 2 per household total cost of paper after rebate will be .50 a pack.  Now that's a deal!!  Also 4gb cruzers (thumbdrives) $5.99 and there is not a limit restriction (I asked & I checked the paper, bought 4 of them), now to really make this a sweet deal on the front of the Staples circular is a $5 off coupon on a $25 purchase.....in essence you will get free paper and at least a free cruzer when you combine your savings!!!!!

Happy Shopping~

Coupon Carmen

Friday, July 15, 2011

Saturday Special at HT ($5 off of $30 coupon)

If you are a EVIC member you should have received an email today with the new weekend specials and E-Coupons.....

Go check your inbox....there is a E-Coupon for $5 off of a $30 purchase, combine this plus other coupons and you should score big! 

Some items to look for that will help you with extra savings....

Wisk detergent
Reynolds Wrappers (on clearance)
Laughing Cow Cheese

Again those are few of the sweeter deals that I bought......there are plenty of more you just have to look for it!

Happy Shopping~
Coupon Carmen